
How are Journals Ranked: Part Two

Journals ranked blog

Part 2 of breaking down how journals are ranked in this two-parter blog and explain a little of the pros and cons of each yard stick!

How are Journals Ranked: Part One

Journals ranked blog

We’ll be breaking down how journals are ranked in this two-parter blog and explaining a little of the pros and cons of each yardstick!

Jobs in Publishing Series Part 2

Jobs in publishing, publishing careers, journal jobs, journal publishing jobs, scientific journal jobs, medical journal jobs

In this series I will be providing a helpful guide to the variety of different jobs in publishing and aim to give you some insight into what the roles are like.

What do journal publishers actually do?

What do journal publishers do, journal publishing companies, medical journals, science journals, academic journals MugsPubs

Over the years authors have asked me, what do publishers do? I’m going to try to be brutally honest in answering these questions and my answers might not make me very popular, but here goes!